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CABEI Promotes the Empowerment of Nicaraguan Women

Through the implementation of various initiatives, more than 100,000 women heads of household are benefiting in Nicaragua.


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ADEL Morazán Business Development Center in El Salvador will strengthen its services to MSMEs with support from CABEI, the European Union and the Government of Germany

A total of 280 micro and small ENTERPRISES (MSEs) in the department of Morazán will benefit through the support of the DINAMICA II Initiative.

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With CABEI's support, construction and equipment of the new Puntarenas hospital in Costa Rica is 85% complete.

• More than 350,000 people will benefit from the new structure and expansion of health services in the Central Pacific region of the country.

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Six innovative Salvadoran micro and small enterprises received awards from CABEI, the European Union and the Government of Germany

Thanks to the DINÁMICA II Initiative, within the framework of the Specialized Diploma in E-commerce, the winning companies received a total of…

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CABEI approves US$606.9 million to rehabilitate, improve and expand 308 km of road infrastructure in Honduras

The Resilient Roads Program aims to improve the country's competitiveness and the quality of life of more than two million Hondurans.

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The two most innovative Guatemalan tech startups at Disrupt Fest 2023 were awarded by CABEI, the European Union and the Government of Germany

More than 2,000 people including startup founders, entrepreneurs, technology entrepreneurs, investors and venture capitalists attended Disrupt Fest…

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CABEI, the European Union, and the Government of Germany reward the most innovative ventures of the Agroinnova Program in El Salvador

In 2023, the Agroinnova Program expanded its coverage by holding editions in San Salvador, San Vicente, and Sonsonate with the support of the DINAMICA…

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Costa Rican Gisela Sánchez sworn in as CABEI's 16th Executive President

The inauguration ceremony was held at the National Theater of Costa Rica with the participation of the President of the Republic, Rodrigo Chaves and…

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CABEI highlights contribution of its partner, the Republic of China (Taiwan), to the Central American region during international event in Taipei

International Organizations Day-Taiwan’s Helping Hand 2023 was held recently at the historic Taipei Guesthouse.

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