CABEI approves US$606.9 million to rehabilitate, improve and expand 308 km of road infrastructure in Honduras
The Resilient Roads Program aims to improve the country's competitiveness and the quality of life of more than two million Hondurans.
Tegucigalpa, December 6th, 2023 - Aimed at boosting Honduras' economic and social growth by strengthening its productive and tourism capacity through efficient and safe land connectivity, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$606.9 million for the "Honduras Resilient Roads Program (PCR-HN)," which includes the rehabilitation, improvement and expansion of 308.0 kilometers distributed in five road segments located in the northern and eastern parts of the country.
This financing will be used to build the Danlí-Trojes and Ojo de Agua-Cantarranas highways in the eastern part of the country; and in the north, the Honduras Tourism Corridor, which includes the road segments from La Barca - El Progreso to Tela and La Ceiba, and the design of the El Progreso City Bypass for its construction. Likewise, the studies and designs required for the Santa Rosa de Copán - Cucuyagua and the Chamelecón - Naco Bypass will be developed.
This operation will promote a balanced trade of exports and imports of goods, services and products; it is expected to benefit 121,998 drivers who travel daily through the projects to be intervened and generate 2,820 temporary jobs during the construction of the road segments.
The Program includes the pre-investment works and investments necessary for the construction, rehabilitation and improvement of the aforementioned highway segments following a resilient infrastructure model. It also includes the resources required for the management, supervision and external audit of the Program.
The executing agency of the Program will be the Secretariat of State in the Infrastructure and Transportation (SIT) Offices, as well as the maintenance of these works once they are completed.
The operation is aligned with CABEI's 2020-2024 Institutional Strategy, in the Strategic Axes of Sustainable Competitiveness and Human Development, as well as with the 2022-2026 Honduras Country Strategy in its No. 1 Pillar "Modernize and strengthen infrastructure", and No. 3 "Boosting sustainable competitiveness", focused on improving connectivity and logistics performance. Likewise, it will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of No. 1 End poverty, No. 3 Health and well-being, No. 8 Decent work and economic growth and No. 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure.
Financing is provided on favorable and competitive terms for a 20-year term with a 5-year grace period.