Young entrepreneurs trained in new working methodologies
The activity seeks to support young people to promote the development of new businesses and generation of new technologies.
San Salvador, August 11, 2017. - Novel, fun, professional and current are words used by the young people who participated in a “Capacity Building Workshop” from August 6 to 12; the workshop was organized by the network and global community denominated “Impact Hub.”
The workshop was also supported by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), which is the executing entity of the Initiative for the Development of Business Ideas and Acceleration of Central American MSMEs (DINAMICA Initiative), in the framework of its first component with the objective of providing entrepreneurs with training on work methodologies regarding such subjects as: incubation, acceleration, innovative space design and entrepreneurial development, among others.
DINAMICA Initiative Project Manager for El Salvador, Mr. Daniel Murcia stated that, "Through these workshops, we have realized that every year more young people are interested in participating in the initiative; we are convinced that they can contribute from different perspectives and knowledge standpoints to the development of the community."
As mentioned above, the event has the support of the DINAMICA Initiative, which is a tripartite initiative of CABEI as executing entity, the Government of Germany through its KfW Development Bank and the European Union as part of its Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF). Its main objective is to strengthen the MSME business ecosystem, especially for new, young and/or innovative MSMEs. This approach also includes strengthening the financial sector at a regional level to promote adequate access to financial services for these MSMEs.
In order to achieve these goals, the DINAMICA Initiative has (1) a EUR50 million in reimbursable resources from Germany through its KfW Development Bank and CABEI, which are channeled as loans to regional MSMEs through CABEI’s network of intermediary financial institutions. In addition, it has (2) a EUR3.8 million donation from the European Union for technical assistance and training of the Dynamic Business Development Centers, MSMEs affiliated to these centers and CABEI’s network of intermediary financial institutions.