Construction of the El Boquete - Santa Ana highway financed by CABEI in Nicaragua is nearing completion

The new infrastructure will positively impact the socio-economic development of the area and will directly benefit 28,811, and indirectly 20,696 people.
Managua, September 08, 2020.- With financing from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) of US$28.9 million and a counterpart from the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua of US$1.7 million, the execution of the project El Boquete - Santa Ana registers a physical advance of 96%.
Along the 12.06 kilometers that comprise the stretch of El Boquete - Sana Ana to finish, connects the municipalities El Crucero and Villa El Carmen in Managua, which will boost livestock production, basic grains and mainly the area of coffee. It will also contribute to improve transportation in the area and will be an alternate route for traffic between the western and southern departments of the country.
CABEI's Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi, regarding this project said that: "the new infrastructure brings multiple benefits among which is the improvement of the quality of life of the families that live around the project's implementation area, facilitates and promotes trade between municipalities and brings with it a series of benefits and savings for local transportation operators; as well as promoting new tourism options.
But among all these benefits my favorite is the regional one, at a Central American level this project will become an alternative route to the sections that are part of the Pan American Highway and the Pacific Corridor of the International Network of Mesoamerican Highways (RICAM)" commented Mossi.
Within the framework of the Bank's Strategic Productive Infrastructure focus, the projects consist of paving one lane per direction of the road, using a hydraulic concrete structure for a 20-year life span. The path was geometrically improved vertically and horizontally. This translates into savings in operating costs, vehicle maintenance and reduced travel times for citizens.
An important piece of information is the resettlement of 94 families, as well as the construction of their homes, the removal, replacement of schools and small worship centers were on the right of way.