With CABEI's support, more than 100 Costa Rican students will perform a play that will strengthen their artistic skills
CABEI's sponsorship of the Castella Conservatory educational center will enable the production of the play "Peter Pan" with an interdisciplinary staging and the participation of children and adolescents.
San José, September 08, 2023. - TheCentral American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is sponsoring the play "Peter Pan" in order to strengthen the artistic skills of a little more than one thousand Costa Rican students at the Castella Conservatory, an educational institution dedicated to promoting comprehensive education for children and young people by combining academics with the arts.
A theatrical show that will combine various disciplines that are learned and practiced by the students, such as dance, ballet, plastic arts, music, children's choir, among others, and which in turn will raise funds to invest in the facilities and improve the conditions of the educational center for the benefit of the children and staff.
CABEI's collaboration will help cover expenses such as costumes, makeup, scenery, props, design and other aspects necessary to provide a theatrical experience full of magic and creativity. CABEI’s Chief Country Officer in Costa Rica, Álvaro Alfaro, stated, "Art awakens creativity and the integral formation of new generations, and an artistic proposal such as this one definitely nurtures the values necessary for the human and social development for which CABEI works in the region.”
The organizers expect to captivate more than 2,500 spectators during the ten presentations that will take place every Friday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 10 a.m. from September 1st to October 1st (with the exception of September 15th to 17th for national holidays) at the Arnoldo Herrera González Theater, located in Sabana Norte (North Sabana). Tickets can be purchased at the box office.