CABEI supports its members with initiatives that enable facing natural disasters

La institución suma esfuerzos en la lucha contra los efectos del cambio climático y adaptación para aumentar la resiliencia de las poblaciones vulnerables.
La institución suma esfuerzos en la lucha contra los efectos del cambio climático y adaptación para aumentar la resiliencia de las poblaciones vulnerables.

The institution adds efforts in the fight against the effects of climate change and in adaptation to increase the resilience of vulnerable populations.

Tegucigalpa, October 13, 2018.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has instruments to support with problems caused by natural phenomena. The Sectoral Intervention Framework for Human Development and Productive Infrastructure and for Rural Development and the Environment are tools designed to provide the Bank's member countries with a sustainable productive infrastructure that is socially inclusive and environmentally resilient.

The Sectoral Intervention Framework for Human Development and Productive Infrastructure, seeks that CABEI contribute to social inclusion, resilience, poverty reduction and the strengthening of human capital through the provision of financial resources.

For its part, the  Sectoral Intervention Framework for Rural Development and the Environment  aims to contribute to the promotion of rural and agricultural development, as well as to environmental conservation through support for development initiatives that promote integral competitiveness, productive efficiency, the provision of resilient infrastructure, technological access and the strengthening of human capital.

In addition, the Bank strengthens alliances with other entities and facilitates access to financial products for environmental investments. One example is the Green MSME Initiative II, which focuses on the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through the generation of renewable energy and the adoption of energy efficiency measures in Central American Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

To assist the MSME sectors affected by climate events, the Bank established the "Support Program for MSMEs Affected by Natural Disasters," which has support from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). The objectives of this initiative include generating sources of employment in affected areas and rehabilitating economic activity in the affected areas, specifically in Guatemala.

Furthermore, another CABEI action to provide immediate response to emergencies and disasters in its member countries involves non-reimbursable financial cooperation to mitigate material damages.
