CABEI follows up on international commitment to fight corruption

En el evento participaron representantes de las instituciones miembros del GTCC.
En el evento participaron representantes de las instituciones miembros del GTCC.

During the meeting the progress on the subject was made known.

Perú, November 28, 2018.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), participated in the meeting of the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) in its capacity as regional development entity and member of this group to follows up on the Lima Commitment.

During the meeting, representatives of regional organizations discussed proposals on combating fraud and corruption, in addition to talking about context of increasing globalization, business complexity, the use of advanced technologies, operational limitations, changing external conditions, diversification of economic activity, changing organizational structures, geographical location, work environment and new forms of management.

Monitoring of actions
In the framework of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Organization of American States on September 4, CABEI followed up on the implementation of its actions aimed at continuing to train the project executing units on integrity, risk management, knowledge of policies and norms and of anti-corruption indicators in order to promote the prevention of corruption in bidding processes.

CABEI, which is the most relevant multilateral development organization in the Central American region, will maintain institutional coordination to support regional commitments in this area.

CABEI is a benchmark for best practices and permanently ensures integrity in all its operations, prioritizing the updating of internal policies and systems and adopting new prevention and control mechanisms in order  to more effectively protect the integrity of institutional activities and support compliance with the norms governing conduct, including its Code of Ethics.
