Guatemala City, April 23, 2024. - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) supported the construction of a new police substation in the municipality of Monjas, Jalapa, which was inaugurated today by the president of the Republic, Bernardo Arévalo, and authorities from the Ministry of the Interior (MINGOB), in order to promote a safer environment and preserve order and the ...
San Salvador, February 26, 2024 - Eight outstanding individuals were recognized today at the awards ceremony for the 5th edition of the regional Call for Papers 2023, under the slogan "Advancing towards sustainable, resilient, innovative and inclusive development.” The initiative was coordinated by the SG-SICA, SIECA through the Center for Economic Integration Studies (CEIE); and CABEI, through ...
Guatemala City, May 15, 2024.- To support the National Civil Police's duty to protect and guarantee the exercise of people's rights and freedoms, as well as to provide greater citizen security, a new police station opened its doors today in the village of Bárcenas, municipality of Villa Nueva, built and equipped with the support of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) for the ...
Tegucigalpa, May 7th, 2024 – The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$96.3 million in financing for the new "Tranche B-1 Bypass El Progreso" highway under the Honduras Resilient Roads Program (PCR-HN). The new highway, approximately 16 kilometers long, has the objective of continuing to promote economic and social growth in Honduras and strengthening its productive ...
San José, July 5, 2024. – Demonstrating its commitment to the well-being of Central Americans through the promotion of culture, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) sponsored, for the second consecutive year, the National Song Festival (FENC-CR), which brought together 217 participants who entered their songs in the important national contest. From the numerous entries, 10 ...
San José, July 25, 2024.- As part of the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Annexation of the Nicoya Province, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is proud to support this important province of its founding member, Costa Rica, through financial solutions that improve the quality of life of the inhabitants by ensuring basic services such as access to water, ...
Panama City, Panama, May 9, 2024. - A group of 24 women from the Ngäbe Buglé region will be trained on the installation and repair of micro-electricity generation systems based on solar panels, in addition to receiving training in management and business development. Each participant will receive two solar photovoltaic system kits for their homes and businesses, positively impacting 215 families ...
San José, August 9, 2024.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is "Costa Rica's main multilateral partner", according to the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (Mideplan) in its most recent survey on the behavior of international cooperation in the country. The analysis, corresponding to the year 2023, highlights CABEI's position for the second consecutive ...
Panama City, June 28, 2024.– In order to promote cutting-edge scientific research, train highly qualified healthcare professionals, and improve the quality of medical care for more than 4.2 million people, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) made a disbursement of US$5.8 million as part of the Design, Construction, and partial Equipment Project of the new Gorgas Memorial ...
Tegucigalpa, April 17, 2024.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has been recognized by GlobalCapital, this time with the award for "Best Niche Currency Transaction by a Latin American Issuer" for 2023. The award ceremony took place on April 16 in New York City, within the framework of the first edition of GlobalCapital's "Latin America Bond Awards 2024", and by virtue of ...