Regional meeting commemorates 10 years of cooperation for the region

El panel: El Futuro del Proyecto Mesoamérica, se dio a conocer de primera mano información y ejemplos prácticos sobre todo el apoyo del BCIE al programa.
El panel: El Futuro del Proyecto Mesoamérica, se dio a conocer de primera mano información y ejemplos prácticos sobre todo el apoyo del BCIE al programa.

During the commemorative act, CABEI's commitment to the integration and development of the region was highlighted.

Panama City, November 20, 2018.- In order to publicize the impact, results and achievements of the Mesoamerica Project (MP), the 10th Anniversary Commemoration Symposium was organized today by the Government of Panama; country that holds the Pro Tempore Presidency of this regional mechanism.

The Mesoamerica Integration and Development Project (MP) is a program that promotes complementarity and cooperation among the Mesoamerican countries in order to expand and improve their capacities and make effective the implementation of projects that result in concrete benefits for the societies in terms of infrastructure, interconnectivity and social development.

The event led to a reflection on perspectives and opportunities that the second decade involves, especially within the framework of the commitments assumed by the governments in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

As a member of the project's Inter-Institutional Technical Group, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) participated in the panel entitled: "The future of the Mesoamerica Project," where information and practical examples of the Bank's full support to the program were made known.

In this context, the panel participants analyzed the possibility of making coordinated efforts with external cooperation sources to leverage more resources to these regional projects with a vision for the future and a roadmap for the next decade.

CABEI has been one of the main strategic partners in the implementation of these projects. As a multilateral development bank, it has supported the Mesoamerica Project in developing a portfolio of bankable projects at a regional level.
The symposium had the active assistance of the Presidential Commissioners and the presence of authorities and officials of the Government of Panama, Inter-institutional Technical Group partners, private sector, academic sector and special guests.

CABEI and MP reinforce the continuity of their strategic alliance
CABEI has supported the Mesoamerica Project as a strategic partner with initiatives that promote innovation, sustainability and environmental protection in the region.

CABEI is part of the Inter-institutional Technical Group, which technically and financially supports the portfolio of projects in Mesoamerica. Since 2008, the MP has achieved important results in the axes defined by the mechanism. Regarding the Electricity Infrastructure axis, CABEI has contributed US$588.5 million; in the axis of Road Infrastructure, it has approved operations for more than US$1.69 billion; and in the axis of Social Housing, it has contributed with US$50.6 million.
