CABEI Office in Nicaragua achieves Environmental Certification in International Standard ISO 14001:2015

Managua, May 20, 2024.- This monday, the country regional office of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) in Nicaragua was accredited as an environmentally sustainable facility, by achieving the certification of the Environmental Management System under ISO 14001:2015. The main objective of this standard is to provide organizations with a reference framework to manage, control, and mitigate the environmental aspects and impacts associated with their activities.
This result is part of the hard work implemented by all the personnel of the Nicaragua office, as part of its Environmental Management System (EMS), a continuous cycle of planning, execution, verification and improvement of the activities that are applied to strengthen the environmental performance in the Bank's facilities.
The good practices that are developed to mitigate the environmental footprint caused by daily operations in the office consist of the rational use of resources, such as: water, electricity, and paper, as well as reducing and segregating waste, carrying out activities for mitigation and adaptation to climate change and the promotion of environmentally friendly procurement of goods and services.
In addition to these efforts and as part of the awareness and environmental commitment of CABEI collaborators in Nicaragua, a group of volunteers participates annually in reforestation days, which has allowed the planting of more than 1,600 trees in recent years. This activity aims to compensate for the paper consumed by the institution within the framework of its operations. This is aligned with CABEI's Environmental and Social Strategy 2020 – 2024, which allows it to contribute to social development, competitiveness, and regional integration.
The Bank's Country Regional Office in Nicaragua, as well as the Office in Guatemala, have marked a notable milestone in the history of the CABEI’s by joining the Environmental Management System Certification that the CABEI offices in Honduras (Headquarters) and El Salvador already had.