CABEI advances in the effective application of its Access to Information Policy


The Bank launches its second Annual Report on progress in transparency and access to information.

Tegucigalpa, August 1st, 2023.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration presented the Annual Report on the implementation of the Access to Information Policy (PAI) for the year 2022. The publication highlights the solid developments achieved in this area and provides citizens with the opportunity to access key data, statistics and information that confirm CABEI's serious commitment to foster greater openness.

The annual balance reflects that 865 documents were classified as public, representing an increase of 35% compared to the previous year, and that the average disclosure period was 11.9 days for information made directly available to the public on the Institution's website. Regarding the information request mechanism, 151 requests were received, which were answered with an average response time of 11 days, a term shorter than that established in the applicable regulations.

In order to leverage CABEI's positioning in terms of transparency and access to information, the report describes different initiatives to strengthen its ties with external stakeholders. Activities such as "CABEI Open House" and the "IdeatonPAI”, which sought to provide information to the public and receive feedback to strengthen the application of the Policy, stand out as unprecedented in the Institution's history.

Belinda Carias Martínez, Director for Honduras and Vice President of the Communications and Access to Information Committee, stated: "The Access to Information section became the most visited site on the Bank's website, with approximately 478,000 visits, which demonstrates the high level of public interest in the Institution's information and confirms that the actions taken to generate greater transparency and accountability are generating positive results.
