CABEI renews credit line to FICOHSA


Esta línea global de crédito se enmarca dentro de los ejes estratégicos del BCIE, dirigidos a la creación de oportunidades para la generación de ingresos y movilización de capital en beneficio de la inversión hacia los sectores productivos.

Managua, March 1, 2017. –Today, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and Banco FICOHSA Nicaragua SA signed an agreement to renew a US$10 million global credit line to promote the country's economic development.
Through this operation, CABEI seeks to contribute through Intermediary Financial Institutions (IFIS) to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector, foreign trade, financing for housing, working capital and production.
The Global Credit Line falls under the framework of the CABEI strategic axes aimed at creating opportunities for income generation and capital mobilization in order to boost investment towards the productive sectors.
