CABEI promotes favorable environmental actions

BCIE fomenta en la región centroamericana la adopción de medidas y políticas en pro del medio ambiente.
BCIE fomenta en la región centroamericana la adopción de medidas y políticas en pro del medio ambiente.

CABEI continues to support initiatives and investment strategies that promote sustainability, mitigation and resilience to the effects of climate change.

Tegucigalpa, June 5, 2019.- In line with its vision of environmental sustainability and the mandates emanating from the different international conventions and forums related to responsible environmental management, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) advances in the formulation and financing of programs and projects aimed at mitigating and adapting to the adverse effects of climate change.

Noteworthy real solutions of CABEI's contribution in this matter include:
•    During the 2013-2018 period, CABEI approved resources for US$3,878,155,072.69 to finance operations that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This amount represents 34% of the total amount approved in the period.

•    To date in the energy sector, loans for energy projects have been allocated for an aggregate total of US$6.54 billion, contributing to the generation of 6,049 MW, which represent 29.1% of the installed capacity in the countries of the region.

•    84% of approvals in energy have been directed to projects involving renewable energies, electrical infrastructure and electric sustainability programs, achieving an impact in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by more than 6.7 million tons.

Support for a zero carbon economy
At the annual meeting of the Board of Governors, which was held on April 26, 2019, CABEI expressed its commitment to the adoption of new specific measures to support climate change adaptation and mitigation; to that end, the Bank adopted the following principles:

•    Refrain from financing projects related to the exploration and extraction of mineral coal and the generation of energy based on mineral coal.
•    Participate actively, and in conjunction with other multilateral development institutions and agencies, among others, in the structuring and development of financial instruments oriented or in support of mitigation and prevention of climate change, support for the strengthening of low carbon economies, societies resilient to climate change, sustainable food production, generation of clean energy and energy efficiency.

Reducing its environmental footprint
Internally, the Bank implements actions to use resources efficiently. In 2017, the Bank initiated an Environmental Management System in its headquarters building in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard, which allows controlling the environmental aspects and impacts caused by the entity's daily activity.

The Environmental Management System considers the external and internal elements through the analysis of Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats that impact on the environmental aspects of the organization, through a planning that takes into account the needs and expectations of the interested parties.

Internally, the Bank seeks to streamline sources of water consumption, paper, green areas, transportation access, alternative media and recycling. In addition, between 15% and 20% of the energy used in the building comes from solar energy.

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