CABEI promotes a sustainable future by supporting the Electric Mobility Congress in Guatemala


Guatemala City, April 26, 2024.- Committed to promoting the new trends and clean transportation technologies in the region, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) supported the development of the Third Electric Mobility Congress, held on April 19, 20, and 21 in Cayalá City.

A highlight of the event was the presentation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Contest, promoted by the Green MSMEs II Initiative, a tripartite effort between CABEI, the Government of Germany through KfW, and the European Union, which seeks to recognize innovative micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises that develop businesses related to recycling and second life of batteries, manufacture of vehicles and chargers, creation of apps related to charging and fleet management, among many others.

The congress featured an exhibition of electric vehicles and means of transportation, giving attendees the opportunity to explore the latest innovations in sustainable mobility. International and national success stories were presented, highlighting the experience in Norway, and that of leading local companies such as CMI, Coca Cola, Grupo Bimbo, and Forza.

In addition, the National Mobility Strategy was presented, providing a comprehensive framework to address current and future mobility challenges in Guatemala and the Central American region. Public transportation options were discussed and strategies to improve accessibility and sustainability in cities were explored.

CABEI reiterates its support for countries that wish to adopt the use of clean transportation technologies that generate savings in their long-term operating costs, while promoting innovation and competitiveness in global markets. This translates into a boost for the economy, the well-being of the population and compliance with international commitments regarding environmental sustainability.

For more information about the Sustainable Urban Mobility Contest, please consult the complete rules and regulations at the following link: MSMEs

El BCIE reitera su apoyo a los países que desean adoptar el uso de tecnologías de transporte limpio que generen ahorros en sus costos operativos a largo plazo, al tiempo que promueve la innovación y la competitividad en los mercados globales. Esto se traduce en un impulso para la economía, el bienestar de la población y el cumplimiento de los compromisos internacionales en materia de sostenibilidad ambiental.

Para más información sobre el Concurso de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible pueden consultar las bases completas en el siguiente enlace:
