CABEI donates vehicles to strengthen prevention activities of the Ministry of Public Health in the Dominican Republic


Santo Domingo, November 2023. In support of the Capacity Building Project of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MISPAS) of the Dominican Republic, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) formally delivered 7 motorcycles and 2 vans, with a value of US$65,500.00 equivalent to RD$3,669,206.97, which will support actions to prevent diseases that have an impact in the country.

This non-reimbursable technical cooperation seeks to strengthen MISPAS' capacities through the distribution of sanitary products to the country's provinces, as well as the capacity to monitor vaccination points at the national level and their daily work, which sometimes involves travel to places that are difficult to access.

CABEI Executive Director for the Dominican Republic, Hostos Rizik, said, ''We are proud to be able to contribute to improving the living conditions of Dominicans and to support the strengthening of our public institutions' capacity to provide services.”

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is committed to supporting the channeling of resources for capacity building in the health sector and promoting regional interrelationship mechanisms.
