360 students in Argentina access quality infrastructure with the support of CABEI


Through the multilateral Program to Improve Educational Access and Quality (PROMACE), more than 258,000 students and 29,480 teachers, in 123 educational establishments are expected to benefit.

San Salvador, Jujuy, May 24, 2024. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Ministry of Education of the province of Jujuy inaugurated the remodeling and expansion works of School No. 388 "Juan Galo Lavalle”, located in the Dr. Manuel Belgrano department, which currently has an enrollment of 360 students.

Among the interventions carried out, the construction of a covered sports court stood out, as well as the incorporation of two classrooms dedicated to the primary level. In addition, major improvements were carried out in the health and electrical infrastructure of the educational center, along with the acquisition of the necessary equipment for the kitchen, laboratory, and administrative area. As an additional safety measure, a modern fire-fighting system was implemented, and an atmospheric discharge (lightning rod) was installed.

The opening event included the participation of Miriam Serrano, Minister of Education of the Province of Jujuy; Raúl Jorge, Mayor of San Salvador de Jujuy; Silvina Cruz, Director of School No. 388 "Juan Galo Lavalle"; as well as CABEI collaborators.

This initiative is part of CABEI's Program to Improve Educational Access and Quality (PROMACE), whose objective is to promote equity and access to quality education in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. The program focuses on strengthening educational establishments and improving the management of the educational system.

