Young Nicaraguans show their environmental commitment in the National Drawing and Painting Contest supported by CABEI

In the second edition of this event, 25 students from public schools are awarded for expressing, through art, the urgency of taking action against climate change.
Managua, March 05, 2024.- Students from public schools in Nicaragua actively participated in the second edition of the National Drawing and Painting Contest on Climate Change, supported by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and the Ministry of Education.
The main objective of this contest is to raise awareness among young people between the ages of 12 and 18 about the importance of implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, using art as a means of expression.
During the selection process, 90 entries were received and thanks to CABEI's support through its Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility System (SASC), significant prizes, such as laptops and tablets, were awarded to 25 outstanding students from public schools throughout the country.
The most outstanding and creative pieces were recognized as follows: first place went to student Anisha Elena Guido of the Divino Niño School, department of Rivas; second place, with an outstanding work of art, went to Katherines Gutiérrez of the José Dolores Rivera National Institute; and third place to student Fabio Andrés Valle of the Cristo Redentor School, department of Chontales.
Social and environmental sustainability is one of CABEI's fundamental pillars, which is why the promotion of activities such as this one, is of great relevance in inspiring young people to increase their sensitivity towards respect and care for the environment.