CABEI continues to support countries in the region to address the impacts and effects of the pandemic with a US$4.0 million grant


In 2020, between donations and the delivery of extraction kits to the SICA countries, Colombia and Argentina, it disbursed US$18.9 million.

Tegucigalpa February 23, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), approved today a non-reimbursable financial cooperation in the amount of US$4.0 million to provide US$500,000 to each of the countries of the SICA region (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Belize and the Dominican Republic).

The financial contribution will be used to continue contributing to curbing the pandemic and its effects. The amount of this cooperation will be disbursed to each country in a single disbursement to the institution designated by each government to serve as the executing agency.

"This initiative has highlighted CABEI's relevance within the region and its fundamental role in the integration, economic and social development of its countries by providing rapid responses to the most critical, global and unexpected situations.

"CABEI will continue working to improve the quality of life of Central Americans, supporting programs and projects that promote human development and social infrastructure, modernizing the institutional framework and guaranteeing the transparent use of economic resources," said CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

This is in addition to the donation that CABEI granted in March 2020, as well as the delivery of extraction kits and other medical supplies and equipment required by the SICA countries, Colombia and Argentina last year for an amount of close to US$18.9 million.

The current situation represents an opportunity to build a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive region. CABEI will continue to invest in improving the quality of life of Central Americans, as well as the countries' efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

