International Congress of the Latin American Federation of Magistrates and the International Union of Magistrates was held in Costa Rica with CABEI’s support


• The event brought together judges from Latin America, Spain, Italy and Portugal to build anti-corruption networks and maintain the sustainability of legal systems.

San José, April 28th, 2023 - The"International Congress of the Latin American Federation of Magistrates (FLAM) and the International Union of Magistrates (UIM)" was held in Costa Rica, with the support of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), with the objective of discussing and analyzing the need to strengthen judicial independence as a condition for the democratic system, and the construction of anti-corruption networks, as well as how to maintain the sustainability of legal systems in Latin America.

Also the "Academic Congress on tools for combating corruption and organized crime", events that brought together, between April 11th and 14th, more than one hundred attendees including judges from Latin America, Spain, Italy and Portugal.

"Corruption in all its forms and evolutions, whether acts of discretion, absence of controls, or tolerance, become impediments for people to achieve a better quality of life, especially the most vulnerable. Therefore, this event is of great importance for our member countries and is in line with our Institutional Strategy and CABEI's policy of zero tolerance to prohibited practices," explained CABEI's Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

"We are pleased to support events such as these that bring together decision-makers with the objective of strengthening Latin American democracy, where organized crime takes advantage of the neediest in the absence of opportunities," saidErwen Masís, CABEI Country Director for Costa Rica, who awarded the US$5,000 sponsorship.

The grant covered logistical expenses for the activity organized by the Costa Rican Judiciary Association and is part of CABEI's 2020-2024 Institutional Strategy, specifically the Sustainable Competitiveness Axis, which seeks to strengthen the economic, social and institutional factors that determine regional competitiveness.
