CABEI participates in FECORE


Experts and public figures gather tomorrow in Guatemala at the First Regional Economic Forum (FECORE) .

Guatemala City.-  The regional and international economic environment is one of the central themes at the 2012 Regional Economic Forum (FECORE), which will be inaugurated tomorrow in Guatemala City, Guatemala.

On behalf the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the region’s financial arm, Dr. José Deras will discuss key aspects regarding the global economic climate and the Central American outlook for 2012.

He will address the conditions and events that have characterized the recent evolution of the global economic environment, with particular emphasis on the particularities of the most significant economic blocs.

In general terms, the CABEI specialist will present the trends that are expected to define the international economic situation in 2012. In addition he will make some brief comments on the implications for the Central American region.

The event will also serve as an opportunity for CABEI to have a strategic rapprochement with the region’s Central Banks.

Under the framework of the institutional modernization plan recently adopted by CABEI’s Board of Governors, the possibility of making cooperation agreements and carrying out joint research with the Economic Studies Departments of the region’s Central Banks will be analyzed.

In this way, CABEI is taking steps to transform the institution’s efforts from academic economic analysis to more practical economic analysis that can be applied to the development of the countries.
The forum will also include lectures analyzing the complex international economic environment and its implications on Central America’s perspectives.

The panels will be composed of experts from the Central Banks of the Isthmus, the Central American Monetary Council and the World Bank.
