CABEI finances studies to improve Nicaraguan hospitals
CABEI will finance the studies for the "Construction of the Chinandega Departmental Hospital" project and the pre-investment studies of the "Replacement and Equipment of the Carlos Roberto Huembes Hospital" project.
Managua.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) will provide financing to Nicaragua on a contingent-recovery basis for preinvestment feasibility studies for the "Construction of the Chinandega Departmental Hospital" project and for the "Replacement and Equipment of the Carlos Roberto Huembes Hospital" project.
These two financial cooperation agreements fall under the framework of the Regional Technical Cooperation and Pre-Investment Cooperation program (FONTEC1), which CABEI approved last October and November.
CABEI was responsible for handling the procurement and consulting contracts (tender process, contract signing and payments). Yesterday the contracts were signed with the organization that won both bids, Idom Ingeniería y Consultoría, S.A., a highly respected consulting firm in based in Bilbao, Spain.
The purpose of the consultancy is to determine the project’s feasibility by carrying out pre-investment studies (health, economic, social, environmental, organizational, structural design, etc.) and making the final designs for both Nicaraguan hospitals.
A total of US$2,117,000 was allocated to the Chinandega Departmental Hospital and the Carlos Roberto Huembes Hospital.
This financial cooperation addresses the health priorities of the Nicaraguan Government, as laid out in its National Human Development Plan, and at the same time is in line with CABEI’s goals for economic development and poverty reduction in the Central American region.
The contracts were signed by Dr. Silvio E. Conrado G., CABEI Director for Nicaragua and Mr. Rafael López González representative of Idom Ingeniería y Consultoría S.A, in the presence of Ministry of Health authorities, representatives of the National Police and of Idom Ingeniería y Consultoría S.A. Signing as honorary witnesses were Commissioner General Jimmy Javier Maynard, Deputy Director of the National Police and Dr. Sonia Castro González, Minister of Health.