CABEI and Eximbank join forces to increase high-impact initiatives in the region

CABEI and Korea Eximbank agree on action plan to implement a Financing Agreement with Korea's Ministry of Strategy and Finance.
Tegucigalpa, January 18, 2017. -The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Korea Export and Import Bank (Korea Eximbank) established an action plan to promote large projects that will facilitate investment in the region.
Yesterday, CABEI and Korea Eximbank signed a US$100 million agreement to finance the plan, which seeks to provide increased investment opportunities and an adequate framework to facilitate the development of co-financing mechanisms for the region’s countries.
CABEI Executive President, Dr. Nick Rischbieth, commented that, “The meeting, which was held at the Korea Eximbank headquarters, addressed the adoption of the plan in order to create an adequate framework for the execution of development initiatives in the Central American countries.”
These action lines seek to review the strategic direction of the Financing Agreement and operational progress, as well as to identify and select projects eligible for co-financing mechanisms.