CABEI will mobilize about US$1,024.3 million to Honduras for reconstruction and economic reactivation

CABEI's contribution to Honduras has been three times more relevant, which highlights the commitment with the country's institutions and inhabitants.
Tegucigalpa December 10th, 2020.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has so far this year mobilized $652 million in sustainable projects for Honduras and has committed to mobilize $1,024.3 million between 2020 and 2021.
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary, CABEI's Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi, noted that 2020 has been a year of unprecedented commitment for Honduras. In a virtual conference, he announced that the financing for the country included the Program for the Reconstruction of Road Infrastructure in Honduras affected by the Eta and Iota storms with an Infrastructure Trust in the amount of US$200.0 million and the COVID-19 vaccine purchase fund initiative in the amount of US$50.0 million.
In terms of sustainable lending, Honduras has received $652 million in 2020, almost three times the amount disbursed in 2019, for $278 million, as a result of strong confidence in the use of these resources. These resources have been oriented to strengthen the capacities to prepare and respond to health emergencies and to support the economic reactivation process.
In addition to the financing provided for the COVID-19 emergency, CABEI has a project portfolio under implementation in the sectors of road infrastructure, education, agricultural development, and legal security, among others, which contribute to improving the country's productive infrastructure and human and social development.
2021' s commitment is based on the following lines of action: Local Currency Issuance Program, annual stimulus to the housing market with the banks; Development Policy Operation for the energy sector; Social Housing Program with the Housing Trust Dams - El Tornillito; Land Dams Studies; Morolica Dam Studies and Global Credit Lines.