CABEI delivers donation to girls' orphanage and Dominican Republic Nursing Home


The multilateral is making efforts to support educational, food, and health programs for girls and elderly care centers.

Tegucigalpa, December 7, 2020.- With the aim of contributing to the welfare of vulnerable sectors of the population, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through its Director for the Dominican Republic, Hostos Rizik, made a donation to the Assistance Center for homeless children and the Maria Trinidad Sanchez Nursing Home.

The donation will serve to follow up on the food security, medical care and other needs of girls and older adults assisted at both centers; generating solutions that seek to join efforts and support the community.

The first donation is for $2,500 to the “Centro Asistencial para la Niñez Desamparada” (Assistance Center for Homeless Children), an orphanage for boarding girls that provides education, care and spiritual support. The donation will be used to expand the food supply for the girls and to promote maintenance programs for the infrastructure, among other things.

The other organization that benefited from the donation of US$2,500 was the María Trinidad Sánchez Nursing Home, the disciples and missionaries of love and peace, a charitable institution of love for the poorest, those who do not have the means to support themselves, nor family members who can take care of them, that is to say, the elderly. At the present time they have 20 residing in the home and 56 who live in their houses and who count on the support and sustenance of this entity.

“We must encourage and promote respect for women, mothers, fathers, the elderly, the handicapped, widows; promote honesty, perseverance, love of country" commented Hostos Rizik, CABEI's director for the Dominican Republic.

The CABEI's mission has always been oriented to generate well-being in the communities where it operates so that they grow and develop, for this reason today we are in solidarity with the neediest. All these actions are added to the efforts that the financial entity has been making since the beginning of this pandemic, as a response to the health emergency situation that the region is experiencing.
