San José, March 13 , 2024. - In order to train a total of 200 Grupo Mutual employees in Costa Rica in sustainable construction, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through the Green MSMEs II Initiative, with the financial support of the German government through KfW and the European Union (EU), signed a US$10,000 non-reimbursable technical cooperation agreement with this ...
San José, April 19, 2024.- Promoting innovation in Costa Rica's agroindustry, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) delivered to its founding member country Costa Rica the first intelligent greenhouse developed domestically with the support of the Republic of Korea through the Korea-CABEI Single Donor Trust Fund (KTF). The project "Use of technologies to support the Government ...
San José, May 9, 2024. - For the ninth consecutive year, the country regional office of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) in San José was certified as Carbon Neutral, a distinction that it has managed to maintain thanks to important efforts of efficient control of consumptions that in turn are reported as eco-efficiency goals. Efforts include staff awareness activities ...
San José, June 5, 2024.- In line with its commitment to help the region develop initiatives that improve people's quality of life in an environmentally sustainable manner, over the last decade the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has promoted an important evolution in the management, instruments, mechanisms, and solutions for financing climate action. From 2015 to the close ...
San José, June 28 , 2024.– Level Up Learning Consulting Group, Inversiones RJMR CREV, and Electroconversiones are the three Costa Rican companies that demonstrated they have the most innovative projects in sustainable mobility in Costa Rica and were winners of the Regional Sustainable Mobility Contest in the country, which was carried out through the Green MSME II Initiative of the Central ...
San José, June 20, 2024. - In order to promote the formulation of green projects from the MSME sector, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through the Green MSME Initiative II, with the financial support of the Government of Germany, through KfW and the European Union (EU), signed a non-reimbursable technical cooperation agreement with INCAE Business School for ...
San José, July 2, 2024.- A total of 2,000 trees have been planted in various parts of Costa Rica over eight years by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), with the support of volunteers who participate annually in this activity that aims to compensate for CO2 emissions originated as part of the multilateral's operations in the country. The figure, equivalent to two reforested ...
Guanacaste , Costa Rica, July 18, 2024.- With the objective of promoting sustainability and innovation in livestock production, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the Government of Germany through KfW, and the European Union (EU), supported the holding of the First World Congress on Sustainable Livestock. This event was organized by the Chamber of Livestock Breeders of ...