CABEI reiterates commitment to provide financial solutions

El BCIE reitera su compromiso de ser el aliado estratégico de los países socios en la provisión de soluciones financieras que coadyuven a la generación de empleo y a elevar el bienestar y la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos.
El BCIE reitera su compromiso de ser el aliado estratégico de los países socios en la provisión de soluciones financieras que coadyuven a la generación de empleo y a elevar el bienestar y la calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos.

In line with its mission, the Bank aligns its operations to contribute to the economic and social development of the region.

Tegucigalpa, February 20, 2019.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has established its role as a multilateral development organization and source of financing with a business model to meet the investment needs of its member countries.

The Bank makes available, to the public and private sectors of its member countries, resources for programs, projects and sustainable technical assistance, reviewing feasibility pursuant to technical, financial, legal, environmental and social aspects.

Funding requests are analyzed and addressed based on the approach presented by the borrowers. The projects financed by CABEI are evaluated based on the needs of the clients and the expected impact. The proposals are developed based on the technical specifications of the projects, approving amounts that do not constitute financing quotas, but that respond to the technical and financial viability of the projects proposed in the scope presented by the borrowers.

CABEI manages the direct relationship with the client and the financing operation from the identification and preparation stage until the total cancellation of the debt. Support is provided to the clients in order to keep informed of any event that may affect the client's business or operation, as well as their credit status and compliance with their contractual obligations. If a loan modification is required, it must be requested by the borrower following the corresponding channels to be evaluated and approved based on a technical opinion that substantiates and justifies the proposed modifications or any significant change.

As the financial arm for the region of the countries of the Central American Integration System, CABEI reiterates its commitment as a strategic ally for the member countries in the provision of financial solutions that contribute to the generation of employment and increase the wellbeing and quality of life of the citizens.
