CABEI approves funding for housing and SMEs MIPYME in Costa Rica


The multilateral Bank approved an increase in the Global Line of Credit to MUCAP for $5 million

After a solid relationship of more than 7 years between the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Mutual Cartago de Ahorro y Préstamo (MUCAP), an extension of global line of credit for an amount up to $ 5 million (USD $ 5,000,000.00) was approved.

This increase will be used to finance operations that fall within the different types of financial intermediation programs of CABEI, with greater emphasis on the Intermediation Program for Social Housing and Intermediation Program for Middle Housing.

In addition, part of the resources will also be channeled for the financing of Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs MIPYME).

As a result of this expansion, which was approved as of March, the global line of credit no. 1811 will reach the sum of up to twelve million eight hundred thousand dollars (USD $ 12,800,000.00).
