CABEI and Korea promote the modernization of the La Ceiba, Honduras, cabotage port


Tegucigalpa, October 27, 2021. – The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Republic of Korea, within the framework of the Korea-CABEI Single Donor Trust Fund (KTF), announced the granting of US$100,000 in non-reimbursable technical cooperation to design a roadmap for the transformation and modernization of the port city, with the objective of carrying out a study for the modernization of the port of La Ceiba, Honduras.

CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi, emphasized: "We are very excited to announce this support from the Republic of Korea, since with its extensive experience in port matters, it will be possible to transfer knowledge that will enhance connectivity with international trade, thus contributing to the region's economic development".

The study will analyze the market demand for maritime infrastructure, considering transportation connectivity, real estate value and tourism potential. In addition, a capacity building process will be carried out for personnel involved in the project on best practices for modernization and marketing in maritime ports.

The technical cooperation is expected to last 12 months. In addition, CABEI is negotiating with the Oceans and Fisheries Ministry of the Republic of Korea for the approval in 2022 of important cooperation in port infrastructure for the benefit of the ports of Trujillo, Puerto Lempira and Roatán.
