Panama became a non-founding regional CABEI member in 2007. At the close of 2020, it had a shareholding of 4.84% and US$ 64.00 million in capital contributions.

Its subscribed capital is US$ 358.40 million. Between 2016-2020, Bank approvals to the country reached the US$ 1.8 billion, while disbursements for that same period totaled US$ 1.7 billion. Specifically in 2020, CABEI channeled approvals amounting to US$ 400.0 million and disbursements totaling US$ 738.0 million to meet the population’s needs stemming from the COVID-19 emergency and to support economic recovery.

Learn more about Operations in Panama

CABEI accompanies the economic growth of Panama.

The Bank is committed to promoting sustainability, economic development and social inclusion by managing priority initiatives in the country

CABEI participates in Inter-American Housing Conference in Panama

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The objective of the meeting is to analyze the global and regional economic outlook, as well as housing finance and the real estate market.

Panama City, August 25th, 2022.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) participated in the 55th Inter-American Conference on Housing, the most important regional forum on housing policy, housing finance and urban management, in Panama City with the theme: "Economic Reactivation, Trends and Innovations in Housing Finance."

During CABEI's presentation, the opportunities for housing finance, mainly in emerging markets, were presented and analyzed, as well as various prospects for the real estate market.

"This event allows us to reiterate our support to the region's private sector in promoting the real estate market for the benefit of Central American families, identifying opportunities to access credit under competitive conditions that represent an opportunity to improve their quality of life and, in turn, boost the countries' economies," said CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

Since 2015, CABEI has been developing the Central American Housing and Sustainable Habitat Development Program (VIDHAS), which was joined in 2021 by the Housing and Dignified Life Program (PROVIDA) in El Salvador, aimed at improving the quality of life of Central Americans by providing access to housing in appropriate conditions and which has benefited more than 112,000 families.

The conference, organized for more than 50 years by the Inter-American Housing Union (UNIAPRAVI), brings together the most important players in the housing and urban planning sector from various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and on this occasion was attended by more than 100 participants over two days.