Panama became a non-founding regional CABEI member in 2007. At the close of 2020, it had a shareholding of 4.84% and US$ 64.00 million in capital contributions.

Its subscribed capital is US$ 358.40 million. Between 2016-2020, Bank approvals to the country reached the US$ 1.8 billion, while disbursements for that same period totaled US$ 1.7 billion. Specifically in 2020, CABEI channeled approvals amounting to US$ 400.0 million and disbursements totaling US$ 738.0 million to meet the population’s needs stemming from the COVID-19 emergency and to support economic recovery.

Learn more about Operations in Panama

CABEI accompanies the economic growth of Panama.

The Bank is committed to promoting sustainability, economic development and social inclusion by managing priority initiatives in the country

With CABEI support, Panamanian women from rural areas in Panama will be trained to install solar panels in their homes


The "2023 Solar Champions Program" is implemented by the National Energy Secretariat (SNE) and the National Institute of Vocational Education and Training for Human Development (INADEH) and supported by CABEI.

Panama City, September 5th, 2023 - A total of 35 women from rural areas of Panama will be trained in the management of energy supply systems and the installation of off-grid solar systems in their homes as part of a US$10,000 sponsorship granted by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) to the Nuestra Señora del Camino Foundation for the development of the "2023 Solar Champions Program" in the Ngäbe Buglé Region, in San Félix, Panama.

The training will last 280 hours and will be divided into seven weeks to address topics related to solar energy, thermal energy, financial sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and universal energy access, among others. In addition, participants will be provided with information sessions on women's empowerment, examples of women in the sector, opportunity programs, and new technologies.

The beneficiaries will be able to replicate the knowledge acquired by empowering the inhabitants of their communities in the operation and maintenance of off-grid solar systems, thus contributing to the process of closing the energy access gap in the country.

With this action, CABEI ratifies its commitment to this sector as one of the pillars of development in Central American countries, providing financial and technical support to meet investment requirements in this sector.