Dominican Republic, CABEI's Ambassador in the Caribbean.

The country became a Non-Founding Regional Member of CABEI in 2007 and since then the institution has consolidated its presence in the country by financing programs and projects that contribute to the sustainability of economic growth and the strengthening of aspects of social inclusion with environmental sustainability. . CABEI has benefited more than 6 million people in the Dominican Republic through the programs and projects that the Bank has implemented in the country, through financing amounting to a total amount of US$ 1.1638 billion for the public and private sectors.

Summary of operations

Road Infrastructure: Financing for 148 kilometers of highways.

Energy: Financing for the generation of 80 megawatts of clean renewable energy.

Agro Sector: US$ 60 million for the strengthening of the agricultural sector with a sustainable technological approach.

A 228% increase in the amount estimated in the 2021-2026 country strategy, reaching US$ 1.8 billion. In the previous five-year period the disbursement amounted US$ 533.9 million.



Coral Highway Project

It consisted of the construction of a 70-kilometer-long, 4-lane highway, for which financing of US$70.0 million was allocated.


Improvement and Expansion of the Eastern Road Corridor for road sections

San Pedro de Macorís-La Romana Section, La Romana Beltway Section and Eastern Tourist Boulevard Section, totaling 78 kilometers in length and representing the best road infrastructure in the country.


Palomino Hydroelectric Project

With a clean and renewable energy generation capacity of 80 megawatts, it is located in the Province of San Juan. For its execution, the Bank allocated financing for a total amount of US$ 130.0 million


Construction of a 50-kilometer gas pipeline in San Pedro de Macorís

Loan in favor of AES Dominicana for a total amount of US$54.00 million.


Montegrande Multipurpose Dam Project Phase III

With current financing of US$249.6 million

CABEI approves emergency cooperation to Costa Rica to address damages caused by heavy rains

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· A donation of $500,000 will be executed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention (CNE) for the purchase of food, hygiene products, medicines, among others.

Mérida, Yucatán September 21st, 2022. – The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved a $500,000 non-reimbursable technical cooperation grant to help meet the most urgent needs of the populations affected by the heavy rains in Costa Rica in recent weeks.

The donation, which will be executed by the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention (CNE) for the purchase of food, hygiene and cleaning products, medicines and other materials required for shelters, as well as the rental of machinery for civil protection works, is part of the emergency and natural disaster aid modality granted by CABEI as support to its member countries to address unforeseen situations such as floods, fires, earthquakes, pandemics, among others, in a timely manner.

"We are in solidarity with the people of Costa Rica, especially with the victims and fatalities caused by the incessant rains that have occurred during the last few weeks in practically the entire national territory, so we are pleased to have approved this emergency donation in a very short time so that the authorities can continue with the necessary actions to keep Costa Ricans safe and in optimal conditions," said CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

According to reports from the CNE, there have been incidents such as rivers overflowing in urban areas in 114 points and landslides in 42, in addition to the fact that shelters have had to be set up to attend more than 200 victims or populations at risk. On the other hand, this Sunday, the Government of the Republic decreed national mourning due to a road accident caused by a landslide caused by the rains that left 9 dead and 50 injured.

Due to the structural damage already reported and the fact that the authorities foresee more weeks of heavy rains, the Government announced its interest in exploring financial support from CABEI to mitigate the effects of the crisis and invest in urgent infrastructure to avoid further fatalities.