CABEI, the bridge between the Republic of Korea and Central America.

Korea is CABEI’s most recent extra- regional member, having finalized its incorporation process in 2020. It is the extra-regional member with the second largest shareholding with 7.67%, a subscribed capital of USD630.00 million and capital contributions of USD33.75 million. The country actively supports Central America through various financial contribution contracts for an amount of USD800.0 million. During 2020, the Bank contracted an On-Lending Facility with the Export-Import Bank of Korea (KEXIM) for USD50.0 million to finance operations under the COVID-19 Emergency Support, Preparedness, and Economic Reactivation Program. Likewise, on August 19 of 2020 a USD 50 million contribution was received by the Korea-CABEI Partnership Single Donor Trust Fund (KTF). A second contribution was received in 2021 for the amount of USD 10 million.

In 2022, CABEI opened its representative office in the Republic of Korea located in the International Finance Center (IFC), Yeouido, Seoul, Korea.

CABEI holds dialogue with the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to promote new forms of collaboration in favor of Central America's development


During the multilateral's official mission to the city of Taipei, conversations were held with authorities from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of this CABEI extra-regional member country.

Taipei, August 1, 2022.- This Monday, the Executive President of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), Dr. Dante Mossi, together with an official delegation of the Bank, held important meetings with authorities from its extra-regional partner country, the Republic of China (Taiwan), in order to promote the Central American region and strengthen business, investment and development cooperation relations.

The official mission began its work agenda in Taipei with meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA),  Dr. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, the Minister of Finance (MOF), Dr. Jain-Rong Su, and the Governor of the Central Bank (CBC), Chin-Long Yang, in which opportunities were identified to promote the sustainable development of strategic sectors in the region, which have historically been supported by the Asian nation, such as the MSME sector, health, education and training, agriculture and housing, among others.

"The Republic of China (Taiwan) was CABEI's first extra-regional member, and this year we celebrate 30 years of a satisfactory relationship that we have come to consolidate in person with more direct approaches with our counterparts, so that more investment opportunities can be generated, as well as to promote trade relations and cooperation among all our extra-regional members for the benefit of the Central American region," said CABEI's Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

Dr. Mossi further commented that each of Taiwan's interventions are designed to address the strategic development objectives of each of its member countries, give due consideration to associated regional trends, and maximize results by employing the right mix of capital and technical cooperation.

The Republic of China (Taiwan) has been an extra-regional member of CABEI since 1992 and has a shareholding of 11.42%, the highest in the Bank.