Colombia joined CABEI as an extra-regional member in 1997. It holds 3.07% of the Bank's shareholding and at the close of 2020, it had an authorized capital of USD203.00 million with capital payments of USD36.25 million. During 2020, CABEI support to the country was aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of hurricanes Eta and Iota.

CABEI support to strengthen citizen security in the Chaco Province


The social investment will have a direct impact on the protection of more than 735,000 civilians, improve the living conditions of 2,300 inmates, and provide technological equipment and technical training for more than 4,000 security system agents.

Tegucigalpa, June 07, 2022.- In order to promote citizen protection in the Republic of Argentina, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved partial financing for the US$25.4 million Citizen Security Social Investment Program for the province of Chaco, of which US$15.0 million will be provided by CABEI and US$10.4 million will be contributed by the province.

Investments aimed at strengthening citizen security contribute to the economic and social development of the region and, aware of this, CABEI continues to reaffirm its commitment to support the government plans of its partner countries through this operation, which adds to the multiple projects that the Bank has prioritized and successfully implemented in this highly complex sector.

CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi, stated: "We are proud to support this initiative that will not only have a positive impact on the lives of all the inhabitants of the province of Chaco, but will also provide a solution to the judicial backlog of inmates in the penitentiary centers and police stations in the area, and will also provide new infrastructure, modern equipment and intensive training for the police officers who are part of the security system in the province and who work hard for the well-being of the citizens." 

The director for Argentina and Colombia, Dr. Maximiliano Alonso, said: "This program has a comprehensive approach to address all the issues necessary to strengthen the security system in the Chaco province. Our goal is for the project to have lasting positive effects on the daily lives of all the inhabitants of the province and at the same time contribute to improving the perception of security in the Republic of Argentina. Thanks to the active stance and strong commitment of the Chaco Governor's Office on this issue, CABEI will continue to support the programs and projects promoted by the provincial Ministry of Security and Justice."

The infrastructure component of the Program will provide financing for the construction of up to six penitentiary modules with a capacity to house 100 inmates each, which will be accompanied by the construction, improvement and expansion of nine police stations, a gender violence division, a police training institute, three border control posts, and two building structures to improve the emergency response system.

The program will also include a component aimed at developing citizen security capabilities, which will include investment in video surveillance technology and the purchase of vehicles and specialized equipment for use by the province's special units, particularly the police and fire departments. This will be complemented by the design of an educational system focused on innovation in criminal policy and the professionalization of the security forces.

In the long term, a support component for the Central American region will also be incorporated, which will seek to strengthen international cooperation actions in the area of citizen security between the Chaco province, the Republic of Argentina and CABEI's member countries in the Central American Integration System (SICA) region. This will foster a regional exchange of experiences, lessons learned and work methodologies, so that this initiative can be successfully replicated in Central America for the region's social and economic well-being.

The terms of the financing are established for a twenty-year term, including a five-year grace period, and an indicative annual interest rate of 4.42%.