Colombia joined CABEI as an extra-regional member in 1997. It holds 3.07% of the Bank's shareholding and at the close of 2020, it had an authorized capital of USD203.00 million with capital payments of USD36.25 million. During 2020, CABEI support to the country was aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of hurricanes Eta and Iota.

CABEI recognized for its support to vulnerable communities


The work carried out by CABEI employees is in line with its mission of promoting economic, social and environmental development in the Central American region.

Tegucigalpa, February 10, 2017. -The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) received special recognition from the TECHO Foundation for its commitment to the development of the most vulnerable communities in the Central American region.

During the event, CABEI was highlighted as a fundamental agent for social action, especially with regard to housing construction. Last year, more than 150 regional CABEI volunteers built 21 houses.

This recognition of the Bank’s work, which was carried out in the framework of its Institutional Responsibility Plan, ratifies its commitment to the development of projects that are linked to socially responsible actions aimed at improving the quality of life of Central Americans.

Since 2011, CABEI has executed initiatives in the five Central American countries in order to improve the living conditions of their inhabitants. At a regional level, more than a thousand volunteers have contributed more than 11,500 hours in the five countries.

In addition to housing, CABEI has constructed community recreation areas, such as community centers and parks equipped for children; installed 95 solar panels; and established 16 water collection systems.