Commitment to the well-being of the region.

The Republic of China (Taiwan) joined CABEI in 1992 and is one of the Bank's first non-regional members; its incorporation enabled the Bank to issue and place its first bonds on the international market. At the close of 2021, it is the non-regional member with the highest shareholding (11.4%) with a subscribed capital of USD776.3 million and contributions amounting to USD133.6 million.

In the coordination of development projects, the Republic of China (Taiwan) cooperation for the region focuses on key areas for poverty reduction, such as food security, education, agriculture, Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, agribusiness, coffee producing sector affected by rust, export promotion and forestry and industrial development.

As a relevant fact, in 2020, thanks to the alliance with its non-regional partner country, CABEI made it's 19th issue in the Taiwan capital market, historically totaling US$ 2.3 billion.

In 2021, CABEI opened its representative office in the Republic of China (Taiwan) located at the Taipei 101 building.

CABEI grants the DR US$500,000 in non-reimbursable cooperation to help those affected by Hurricane Fiona


Mérida, Yucantán, September 21st, 2022. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved US$500,000 in emergency and natural disaster aid to the Dominican Republic to help mitigate the negative effects caused by Hurricane Fiona, a natural phenomenon that caused losses and damage to the population and their livelihoods.

"We express our solidarity with the families affected by the heavy and constant rains caused by this climatic event. With this aid, CABEI seeks to collaborate with the authorities' efforts to mitigate the damage and contribute humanitarian assistance to the affected population," commented CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

He also added that the region faces frequent climate crises that lead to disasters and emergencies, and the Bank will continue to support its member countries in taking measures for prevention, response, mitigation and recovery in order to guarantee the lives and safety of their citizens.

These resources will be executed by the Dominican Republic Government who will coordinate the activities contemplated as part of this donation, which could include: purchase of food, clean water and basic necessities, purchase of medicines, supplies for shelters, infrastructure repairs, among other needs required to address the emergency.