Mexico has been a non-regional CABEI member since 1992 with an authorized stake of USD306.25 million in the Bank's share capital and capital contributions of USD76.56 million, ranking as the third largest shareholder within the group of non-regional members with 5.03%.

The contribution that Mexico channels to the Central American region through CABEI is based on various financial cooperation instruments with Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior S.N.C. (Bancomext) for a total amount of USD520.8 million. The relationship between the Bank and this country was solidified in 2008 with the launching of the Central American Social Housing Development Program. It falls under the framework of the Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project (formerly Plan Puebla Panamá). Since that date, the Mexican government has made resources available to develop a sustainable market for long-term housing finance in the Central American region that addresses the housing deficit and future needs in this area. Throughout the Program's existence, 59 disbursements have been made through 14 intermediary institutions. In total, 192.7% of the initial financing available has been channeled, benefiting a total of 8,032 low- income households, which can now enjoy a more dignified home.

CABEI and SIECA award prizes to winners of academic competition


Academic research on Central American regional integration is encouraged.

Tegucigalpa, June 7, 2018.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) presented the prizes to the winners of the article competition entitled "Central American Economic Integration in a Globalized World".

The objective of the contest was to generate a space for the dissemination of knowledge and specialized research on economic integration in Central America, with the purpose of putting into perspective those issues related to the economic situation of the region and the integration process as a platform for public policies for the development of the countries of Central America.

During the award ceremony, the participation of the 48 studies received was acknowledged, 3 of which won prizes and 7 others received honorable mention. To commemorate the participation of the first and second places, a brief presentation of winning articles was made, and the importance of research and development was reflected on as factors that influence economic and sustainable development.

The main topics developed in the academic work were: economic and geopolitical integration; MSMEs: regional value chains and industrial policy; and the Customs Union.

One of the conclusions established during the event was the need to maintain spaces that encourage academics to present their specialized research with new ideas and modern experiences that will strengthen the Central American countries. The issues of technological innovation, trade, value chains, entrepreneurship, regional developments, inequalities and poverty remain the essence of our gaps, and also the key to a future where the standard of living of our fellow citizens converges to the highest global standards.

Contest Winners

The jury made up of an evaluation committee decided to award first place to the academic articles: "Capacity Building in Science and Technology in Central American Countries: Challenges and Opportunities for the Integration of the Isthmus" presented by Kleinsy Bonilla; and "Multilateral Negotiations on Electronic Commerce and its Relationship with the Development of MSMEs in Central America", presented by Helen Chang.

In turn, Johnathan Enrique Ordóñez was awarded third place with the article: "Territorial Development and Central American Integration: The Impact of Variable Geometries on Regional Economic Integration."

The opportunity to convene and jointly review the studies with SIECA's Centre for Economic Integration Studies (CEIE) demonstrates the great advantages and opportunities of joining forces and opens up opportunities to explore new avenues to achieve the goal of economic integration.

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