Mexico has been a non-regional CABEI member since 1992 with an authorized stake of USD306.25 million in the Bank's share capital and capital contributions of USD76.56 million, ranking as the third largest shareholder within the group of non-regional members with 5.03%.

The contribution that Mexico channels to the Central American region through CABEI is based on various financial cooperation instruments with Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior S.N.C. (Bancomext) for a total amount of USD520.8 million. The relationship between the Bank and this country was solidified in 2008 with the launching of the Central American Social Housing Development Program. It falls under the framework of the Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project (formerly Plan Puebla Panamá). Since that date, the Mexican government has made resources available to develop a sustainable market for long-term housing finance in the Central American region that addresses the housing deficit and future needs in this area. Throughout the Program's existence, 59 disbursements have been made through 14 intermediary institutions. In total, 192.7% of the initial financing available has been channeled, benefiting a total of 8,032 low- income households, which can now enjoy a more dignified home.

CABEI participates in international economics conference together with leaders of global development banking

CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi, reaffirmed the Bank's commitment to continue working towards the economic and social development of the region.

The conference, which was denominated, "New Forms of Solidarity Towards Fraternal Inclusion, Integration and Innovation (I+I+I)," was held in Vatican City.

Tegucigalpa, February 5, 2020.- The Executive President of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), Dr. Dante Mossi, participated in the conference “New Forms of Solidarity Towards Fraternal Inclusion, Integration and Innovation (I+I+I)," which was organized in Rome by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

The seminar was held in Casina Pío IV, which is a Renaissance building nestled in the Vatican Gardens, and brought together high-level economists from around the world and representatives of multilateral organizations.

During his speech in Panel II denominated, "Transforming the Rules of International Financial Architecture: Economic and Financial Stability," Dr. Mossi highlighted the importance of integrating innovation in the different financial modalities and instruments used in the region.

As an example, he cited the most recent issuance of the Bank's green bond, which identified actions that contribute to climate change issues. During the 2015-2019 period alone, CABEI invested US$3.9 billion in operations focused on mitigating climatic phenomena.

As a commitment to the aforementioned, CABEI had already established its Zero Carbon Declaration, in which it reaffirms its sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach.