Mexico has been a non-regional CABEI member since 1992 with an authorized stake of USD306.25 million in the Bank's share capital and capital contributions of USD76.56 million, ranking as the third largest shareholder within the group of non-regional members with 5.03%.

The contribution that Mexico channels to the Central American region through CABEI is based on various financial cooperation instruments with Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior S.N.C. (Bancomext) for a total amount of USD520.8 million. The relationship between the Bank and this country was solidified in 2008 with the launching of the Central American Social Housing Development Program. It falls under the framework of the Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project (formerly Plan Puebla Panamá). Since that date, the Mexican government has made resources available to develop a sustainable market for long-term housing finance in the Central American region that addresses the housing deficit and future needs in this area. Throughout the Program's existence, 59 disbursements have been made through 14 intermediary institutions. In total, 192.7% of the initial financing available has been channeled, benefiting a total of 8,032 low- income households, which can now enjoy a more dignified home.

Progress and achievements presented at international forum on multilateral development

Se tiene previsto para el año 2020 la reunión del foro se lleve a cabo en Manila, Filipinas organizada por el Banco Asiático de Desarrollo.
Se tiene previsto para el año 2020 la reunión del foro se lleve a cabo en Manila, Filipinas organizada por el Banco Asiático de Desarrollo.

At the event, CABEI highlighted such perspectives as competitiveness, financial strength and procurement processes.

Tegucigalpa, July 17, 2019.- For the second consecutive year, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) participated at the Forum denominated, "Multilateral Development Banks' (MDBs) Heads of Procurement (HOP) Forum."

Each representative presented updates, latest trends and international standards to be used in their procurement processes in order to strengthen their capacities through the creation of a support network between countries and international agencies.

Cross-cutting issues
For its part, CABEI mentioned noteworthy achievements, including: the approval of the Declaration on Access to Information, which seeks a commitment to transparency and improvement of the institution's understanding, and having reached the highest credit rating  level in Latin America; an AA rating.

In addition, the Bank shared its Zero Carbon Declaration, which will work to identify initiatives related to promoting climate change mitigation and prevention and supporting the strengthening of low carbon economies. Regarding issues of procurement in projects, it informed about reforms to the Procurement Policy and Norms, new guidelines and issues of integrity and compliance.

The HOP participated in projects from the: African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, Council of Europe Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, World Bank, European Investment Bank and Central American Bank for Economic Integration.

This year the representatives of the procurement units of the multilateral development banks had the opportunity to share the different activities they have been carrying out for the development of their processes in an effort to improve the economy and development of the countries represented.

In addition, different subjects were discussed, including the environment, modern tools to reduce response times, promotion of transparency, accountability and improvement of project monitoring and supervision.

The forum has been held for 19 years to harmonize the procurement principles, policies and practices of its institutions, providing efficiency and equity in all the operations of the represented banks. On this occasion, the forum was held in Luxembourg from July 2 to 4.