Spain became an extra-regional CABEI member in 2005. At the close of 2020, it has a subscribed capital of USD280.00 million with capital payments of USD60.00 million and a shareholding of 4.23%.

The partnership between CABEI and Spain provides financial support to the Central American region through the signing of various financial  cooperation contracts for an amount of USD546.7 million. Of these funds, USD408.4 million have been channeled through agreements signed with the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO, Official Credit Institute)  and the remaining USD138.3 million is provided by the Spain-Honduras Debt Conversion Agreement, held with the Ministry of Economy and Business. During 2020, a financing agreement was signed with ICO for an amount of up to EUR 100.0 million (USD112.5 million) to finance investment and/or liquidity and export/import operations of Spanish companies in CABEI member countries. The loan was signed on June 25, 2020 through a document sharing procedure. Likewise during 2020, a total of USD134.9 million was raised from ICO through the valid agreements between both institutions.

CABEI supports modernization of the National Identification System to benefit 5.2 million Hondurans


The updating of the National Registry of Persons database was financed by the Bank for US$73 million.

Tegucigalpa, August 12, 2021.- On Thursday, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) announced the results of the implementation of the IDENTIFÍCATE project, which creates a new database for the National Registry of Persons and provides a new National Identification Document (DNI) for Hondurans. The implementation of the project was made possible with financing from the Bank in the amount of US$73 million.

The project has achieved significant goals in record time, with the biometric enrollment of 5.2 million Hondurans who are already part of the new citizen database and delivered to date more than 3.2 million ID cards with international standards and high levels of reliability.

"We celebrate this great step towards Honduras' digital transformation and the country's economic, social and democratic development; the creation of a new, updated and purified database strengthens its governance by enabling statistics for the development of actions to benefit the population," said CABEI Executive President, Dr. Dante Mossi.

The advances were announced during an event this morning, where CABEI Executive Vice President Jaime Roberto Díaz highlighted the relevance of the new modern, secure and inclusive technological system, which allows for interoperability between public and private institutions, enabling the development of electronic procedures and transactions, improving efficiency in the provision of public programs and services for all citizens.

This initiative is in line with CABEI's 2020-2024 Institutional Strategy, specifically in the Human Development and Social Inclusion Axis, which generates social capacities to improve the well-being and quality of life in the Central American region.