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LXIII Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors


The Central American Bank for Economic Integration's Board of Governors meeting is our institution's most important event. Every year, it is held in one of the member countries. This year, the Dominican Republic is the host country.


Learn more about the LXIII CABEI Board of Governors meeting to be held in Dominican Republic.



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Executive President's Message
Dr. Dante Mossi

The LXIII Regular Board of Governors' Meeting will be held in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on May 12, 2023. This is the most important event for CABEI where decisions are made that have a positive impact on the socio-economic development of the inhabitants of the member countries. The Board of Governors is the Bank's highest authority and, according to the CABEI Constitutive Agreement, must hold an ordinary meeting once a year. Each member country appoints a governor and an alternate governor, who may be the Minister of Economy, Minister of Finance, Minister of Public Credit, the President of the Central Bank, or the person responsible for representation according to each country's domestic law.


Agenda – Friday May12th, 2023:
8:00 a.m. in Central America / 10:00 a.m. in Dominican R.Intonation of the anthem of the Dominican Republic by Soli Deo Gloria
8:10 a.m. in Central America / 10:10 a.m. in Dominican R.Interpretation of the Central American anthem "La Granadera" by Soli Deo Gloria
8:20 a.m. in Central America / 10:20 a.m. in Dominican R.Words by the Executive President of CABEI, Dr. Dante Mossi
8:35 a.m. in Central America / 10:35 a.m. in Dominican R.Projection of Commemorative video – LXIII Board of Governors'
8:40 a.m. in Central America / 10:40 a.m. in Dominican R.Words of the host and Governor for the Dominican Republic before CABEI, Mr. José Manuel Vicente
8:50 a.m. in Central America / 10:50 a.m. in Dominican R.Words by the President of the Board of Governors, the Titular Governor for Mexico before CABEI
9:00 a.m. in Central America / 11:00 a.m. in Dominican R.Welcome by His Excellency the President of the Dominican Republic, Mr. Luis Abinader
9:15 a.m. in Central America / 11:15 a.m. in Dominican R.Beginning of the Board of Governors' business meeting.


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Punta Cana, 13 de mayo de 2023.- El presidente del Banco de Guatemala, Alvaro González Ricci, fue nombrado como nuevo Presidente de la LXIII Reunión Ordinaria de la Asamblea de Gobernadores del BCIE.

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El señor Ricci cuenta con una amplia trayectoria profesional, se desempeñó como Ministro de Finanzas Públicas y también miembro de la Junta Monetaria y Presidente del Directorio de la Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria.

Antes de incorporarse al Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas, el licenciado González Ricci ocupó cargos en el ámbito público y privado. Fue electo Diputado al Congreso de la República para el período 2012-2016. Asimismo, fue asesor del Presidente del Congreso y trabajó como consultor, en temas de finanzas públicas, en el Banco Mundial y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. Además, ocupó cargos en Citibank Guatemala y Grupo Financiero del País.