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Contest for the selection of CABEI's Controller

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) invites applicants to participate in the competition to select its Controller, who must reside in the city of Tegucigalpa, Republic of Honduras, during their term of office, where the Institution's headquarters are located. Under the authority of the Board of Governors, the Controller heads the oversight body that verifies compliance with the Constitutive Agreement, as well as the regulations and directives of the Board of Governors, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Presidency.

The person elected shall serve in this position for five (5) years and may be reelected only once.


The following are the requirements for the position of Controller:

  1. Be of a different nationality from that of the Executive President (Costa Rica) and the Executive Vice President (Guatemala), unless the Board of Governors allows an exception in qualified cases. Consequently, candidates from all member countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic, Belize, Mexico, Republic of China (Taiwan), Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Cuba, and Republic of Korea) may participate, provided that the election of a candidate from Costa Rica and Guatemala shall require an exception by the Board of Governors in a qualified case.

  2. Be a person of recognized professional capacity, honesty and with experience of at least ten (10) years in management positions in control bodies of entities related to economic, financial, banking and development policies.

  3. Be in full use of their civil rights.

  4. Comply with the profile of the Controller position.

Profile of the of Controller

The complete profile of this position, which includes a detailed description of its functions and attributions, as well as all the relevant information, can be consulted at the following link.

Resume Format

Following the resume format provided in the above-mentioned link, interested candidates may send their application to the following e-mail address:

Please do not send resumes by other means.

The information, as well as the analysis and evaluation of the candidates' resumes, will be handled by a firm of recognized international prestige. Only the candidates with the best fit to the profile will be contacted by the firm in charge of the selection process.

Closing date for receipt of applications: March 31, 2024 at 23:59 hours (time zone of the Republic of Honduras).

CABEI invites applicants of both genders and all eligible nationalities who meet the above requirements to participate.

Other relevant information

The following are impediments to be elected as the Controller:

  1. Governors, directors, the Executive President and Vice President and the spouses of the aforementioned.

  2. Relatives of governors, directors, the Executive President, and the Executive Vice President within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity.

  3. ersons who, directly or through companies controlled by them, have failed to comply with their contractual obligations with the Bank.

  4. Persons who, having held any position in the Bank, have acted with malice or fault, duly proven, to the detriment of the interests of the Institution.

  5. Bankrupt or insolvent persons, as long as they have not been rehabilitated, and those who have pending bankruptcy proceedings, as well as those who are absolutely or relatively disqualified.

  6. Persons who have been convicted of crimes involving lack of probity

Each applicant must comply with the requirements described above at the time of submitting their resume within the framework of the corresponding contest process and must not have any of the impediments listed above.