Colombia joined CABEI as an extra-regional member in 1997. It holds 3.07% of the Bank's shareholding and at the close of 2020, it had an authorized capital of USD203.00 million with capital payments of USD36.25 million. During 2020, CABEI support to the country was aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of hurricanes Eta and Iota.

Web platform workshop for the Central American financial sector and the CABEI members countries

De esta manera las instituciones financieras usuarias de la plataforma online podrán registrar operaciones de crédito, generar información y agilizar los financiamientos para sectores desde la MIPYME, operaciones de  comercio exterior, hasta educacion y vivenda entre otros.
De esta manera las instituciones financieras usuarias de la plataforma online podrán registrar operaciones de crédito, generar información y agilizar los financiamientos para sectores desde la MIPYME, operaciones de comercio exterior, hasta educacion

With this new web platform, CABEI promotes the channeling of resources for the financial sector of the Central American region and its beneficiary countries.

Tegucigalpa, March 21, 2019.- Committed to promoting the channeling of resources for investments in MSMEs, Productive Sectors, Housing and Municipalities, as well as investments for the economic development of the region, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) has enabled the new web platform for the justification of resources tool (F1); it is  available online for the region's Intermediary Financial Institutions (IFIs).

In this context, CABEI carried out a training workshop of this web platform for the executives of the Bank's network of client IFIs and its personnel. Workshop attendees learned about the new method as one of the services offered by the Bank to justify the resources allocated through the regional financial system and its beneficiary countries.

For CABEI, the financial sector is a strategic ally for the development of the Central American region, especially when orienting resources for MSMEs and economic sectors, fostering the competitiveness of the Central American region.  The workshop was aimed at demonstrating the use of the tool, which allows to register credit operations in order to measure the impact generated by CABEI resources, as well as the contribution to the generation of impact statistics.

It should be noted that CABEI has had a resource justification tool that has been adapted to new platforms, in terms of digital innovation in financial intermediation, and new programs that have been designed to serve the MSME sector, municipalities and large companies, which will make it possible to streamline the CABEI resource disbursement process with the financial sector through its global credit lines.