Colombia joined CABEI as an extra-regional member in 1997. It holds 3.07% of the Bank's shareholding and at the close of 2020, it had an authorized capital of USD203.00 million with capital payments of USD36.25 million. During 2020, CABEI support to the country was aimed at addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of hurricanes Eta and Iota.

CABEI boosts the region's competitiveness


Development investment drives the strategic axes of competitiveness and regional integration, with a special focus on productive infrastructure.

Managua, September 18, 2018.- With the objective of reinvigorating regional trade, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is granting a loan of US $163,200,000 to the Republic of Nicaragua to finance the "Project to Improve the Technical and Operational Capacities of Puerto Corinto".

With this development intervention, the Nicaraguan Government hopes to increase foreign trade, boost exports and imports under competitive conditions, and contribute to economic growth and the socioeconomic development of the population.
The operation is linked to the guidelines of the 2018-2022 Nicaraguan Country Strategy "Integrating Development and Sustainable Competitiveness", approved in February 2018, focusing on the Productive Infrastructure focus area, which includes the development of port infrastructure.

It is worth remembering that this project complements the development efforts that the Republics of Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua are jointly carrying out in the modernization of the Gulf of Fonseca.