During August and September 2023, an Informed Consultation and Participation process was developed in the influence area of the Bio-CLIMA Project, aimed at the Project's socialization, emphasizing the Project's components and its environmental and social safeguards instruments. The events’ results motivated the update of the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and its instruments. The Informed Consultation and Participation process was developed at two levels:

  • Level 1: 58 consultations and Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) events with the indigenous population, where 4,462 representatives (2,493 men and 1,969 women) of the 23 indigenous territories in the RACCN, ZRE Alto Wangki and Bocay regions participated., RACCS and Indio Maíz. The FPIC events were conducted in accordance with the established procedures and decision-making structures of the indigenous peoples of each region, including traditional deliberation processes. As a result of these events, consent was obtained from the 23 indigenous territories to implement the Bio-CLIMA Project in general.
  • Level 2: 11 Meaningful Consultation events with key actors, convened publicly through the different available means, in which representatives of other sectors and interests were present, beyond those expressed from the indigenous governance structure in the RACCN, ZRE Alto Wangki and Bocay, RACCS and Indio Maíz regions. 1,099 people participated in the Meaningful Consultation events (731 men and 368 women).

A total of 5,550 people participated in 69 consultation events. The consultation events included the participation of UNOPS as an observer of respect for the FPIC Principles, national legislation, and compliance with international standards on indigenous rights.

Annexes to Participation and Informed Consultation:

A.- Report on the results of the participation and informed consultation process on the Bio-CLIMA project
B. Annex No. 01 - Governance Structure in the Caribbean Region
C.Annex No. 05 - FPIC Schedule in the Caribbean Region
D.Annex No. 17 - Compilation of FPIC consultations in ZRE Alto Wangki Bocay
E.Annex No. 20 - FPIC Process Compilation for RACCN
F.Annex No. 23 - FPIC Process Compilation for RACCS
G.Annex No. 25 - Schedule of Meaningful Consultations in the Caribbean Region
H.Annex No. 32_Meaningful Consultations Process Compilation in Alto Wangki and Bocay
I.Annex No. 33 - Meaningful Consultations Process Compilation in RACCN
J.Annex No. 34 - Meaningful Consultations Process Compilation in RACCS

Knowledge and Public Consultation of the Updated MGAS of Bio-CLIMA

A Gender Action Plan is integrated into the project framework, whose activities are focused on empowering women and intercultural gender equality in a transversal manner.

In compliance with the legal framework established for the Project and as a result of the Participation and Informed Consultation process executed in the area of influence of the Bio-CLIMA Project, the following documents are submitted for public consultation:

Related documents:

1Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
2ESMF Annex 1 - Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
3ESMF Annex 2 - Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF)
4ESMF Annex 3 - Guidelines for Workforce Management
5ESMF Annex 4 – Guidelines for Pest and Pollution Management
6ESMF Annex 5 - Guidelines for the Health and Safety of the Communities
7ESMF Annex 6 - Process Framework for Involuntary Access Restrictions to the Use of Natural Resources in Protected Areas
8ESMF Annex 7 - Guidelines for Biodiversity Management
9ESMF Annex 8 - Guidelines for Forest Management
10ESMF Annex 9 - Guidelines for Cultural Heritage Management
#Other related documents:Type
1Gender Action Plan

Dissemination for Knowledge and Public Consultation

Disclosure for Public Knowledge and Consultation of Bio-CLIMA's Environmental and Social Safeguards documents will take place on October 3, 2023, in accordance with applicable GCF regulations.

The consultation will be available at the following link: