Experts share reflections on procurement and best practices at forum held with multilateral organizations


The forum, which was organized by CABEI, had the participation of representatives from the public sector, executing agencies and autonomous and semi-autonomous institutions, consulting firms and contractors providing goods and executing projects in the region.

Tegucigalpa, June 1, 2017. – Today, experts addressed procurement challenges in public sector projects during the "First International Forum on Procurement Policies and Best Practices of Multilateral Banks," which ends tomorrow in this city. The initiative aims to promote the building of alliances to ensure constant updating of best practices and international guidelines with regard to projects.

The event was inaugurated by the Executive Vice President of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), Attorney Alejandro Rodríguez Zamora. He stated that in 2016, the Bank made approvals for public sector projects amounting to US$1.80 billion, which were directed mainly at such sectors as energy, competitiveness services, human development and social infrastructure.

In his speech, Attorney Rodríguez Zamora highlighted that CABEI seeks to create spaces that enable greater knowledge about the approved criteria and differences that exist with respect to procurement policies; this will lead to streamlined project implementation, which will generate into new financing opportunities.

The senior CABEI official recalled that in order to achieve a sustainable and successful project, it is necessary to carry out procurement processes from the definition of the project specifications to its selection, contracting and execution of contract procurement works, services or goods required by the project.

The meeting was organized by CABEI and included keynote presentations by the World Bank’s  Director of Procurement for Latin America, Joao Veiga Malta; European Investment Bank  Procurement Division Head, José Luis Alfaro;  CABEI Procurement Unit Coordinator, Lourdes Fu; and Inter-American Development Bank Procurement Specialist in Honduras, María Cecilia del Puerto Correa. 

The forum highlighted CABEI’s constant efforts to improve its policies and offer its capacities for the development of projects and the creation of strategic alliances that enable the joining of efforts to standardize guidelines and best practices in order to facilitate its borrowers and improve the effectiveness of financing in the region.
