CABEI presents award for excellence in microfinance


CABEI is the multilateral institution that provides the most support to micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME).

Managua, August 4, 2016. - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) presented its first “CABEI Award for Excellence in Microfinance” to the economist, Claudio González Vega, Chairman of the Board of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation.

The objective of the prize is to recognize and applaud efforts by people or organizations in the region that contribute to the development of the microfinance sector in Central America.

At the presentation ceremony, CABEI Country Manager for Nicaragua, Edda Melendez, declared that the award is a recognition for entrepreneurs who, through their efforts and dedication, are able to generate employment, consolidate businesses and make positive contributions to their countries’ economic development.
