CABEI announces the holding of its Board of Governors meeting and advances on its strategic path of growth and positive impact


CABEI is a key player in the positive transformation promoting economic integration, social and environmental progress in our countries.

Tegucigalpa, May 6, 2024.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) announces the celebration of the LXIV Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors, which will be held on May 10 in the capital city of Tegucigalpa.

The economic meeting will bring together delegates from the different countries, who will work on an agenda that will include analysis of new financial approaches to address global economic challenges. In addition, CABEI's reaffirmation of its commitment to work with member countries towards a positive transformation that will generate opportunities that improve the quality of life for all.

The Board of Governors is CABEI's highest authority, where each founding country, and each non-regional member, appoints a titular Governor and an alternate Governor, who may be the Minister of Economy, Minister of Finance, Minister of Public Credit, the President of the Central Bank, or whoever corresponds to the representation according to the internal law of the respective country.

At the annual meeting, in addition to reviewing the balance sheet for the 2023 fiscal year and its impact on its member countries, the Secretariat and the Executive President's reports will also be presented.

CABEI remains firm in its commitment to promote climate change mitigation and prevention, support the strengthening of low-carbon economies, promote sustainable water management, clean energy generation, energy efficiency, as well as initiatives to attract investment.

The Board of Governors meetings are private, but are preceded by a solemn public opening meeting, to which the President of the Republic of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, is invited to open the meeting.

The meeting will be led by CABEI's Executive President, Gisela Sánchez, as well as the President of CABEI's Board of Governors, the Minister of Public Finance, and the Titular Governor for the Republic of Guatemala at CABEI, Jonathan Menkos Zeissig.
