CABEI Board of Governors successfully concludes by defining the strategy for the next 5 years and approving a policy and strategy for financial strengthening and capitalization


Governors approve strategic priorities for the next 5 years and a new policy and strategy for financial strengthening and capitalization.

Tegucigalpa, May 13 2024.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) successfully completed the 64th Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI).  The two main achievements were related to strategy and financial strengthening.

Seven strategic objectives were defined: 2 economic, 3 social, and 2 environmental for the period 2025 to 2029, as well as a new financial strengthening and capitalization policy that will allow the Bank to have the resources to comply with the strategy for the next 5 years.

Priorities in the economic dimension for the next 5 years include financing sustainable and resilient infrastructure, promoting the entrepreneurial ecosystem, MSMEs, and attracting foreign direct investment (with an emphasis on nearshoring). 

In the social dimension, CABEI made specific commitments to retain and strengthen human capital, improve the quality of life of all people (especially young people and the most vulnerable), and promote inclusion and gender equity.

In the environmental dimension, the bank defined two strategic objectives: to protect natural capital and to provide a determined response to climate change in the region. 

"CABEI must maximize its impact on member countries by creating opportunities to raise the quality of life of all people.  This must be done with efficiency and technical rigor, sound governance and a firm commitment to transparency," assured CABEI Executive President Gisela Sánchez, who assumed the leadership of the multilateral bank in December 2023.

The financial strengthening and capitalization policy and strategy focuses on optimizing the use of its assets to expand support to its member countries and defines the strategic guidelines for future capitalization.

CABEI governors also acknowledged the significant progress made in the governance reform plan and the firm steps that have been taken in recent months to reduce expenses and promote efficiency and operational excellence. The governors also acknowledged the bank's new organizational structure, which will enable it to operate in a more agile and effective manner, and the bank's decision to reduce the interest rates it will offer countries in the coming months. This last element is a strong demonstration of the commitment of the new Administration to offer the best possible conditions to the countries.
