Tegucigalpa, March 11, 2024.- Within the framework of International Women's Day, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), promotes integration, balanced economic and social development in the region, actively committed to reducing the gender gap and promoting greater spaces for women's participation in entrepreneurship and financial inclusion, among other efforts. “As CABEI, we ...
Buenos Aires, October 18, 2021.- The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Republic of Argentina formalized the "Digital Transformation of SMEs" and "Strengthening Actions against Gender-Based Violence" programs for US$50 million each, with the aim of generating technological capacities in small and medium-sized Argentine companies, as well as promoting actions to protect ...
San Salvador, August 26, 2021.- A total of 2,592 low-income families will have the opportunity to have access to decent housing with the launch of the Housing and Dignified Life Program (PROVIDA) carried out this Thursday by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Government of El Salvador through the Housing Ministry. This is a direct financing of US$50.0 million to the ...