Tegucigalpa, December 24, 2024. – Within the framework of the Sustainable Economic Development Program (PRODES), the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved an initiative, with non-reimbursable resources of up to US$725,000, to support the efforts of the Republic of Honduras in the rehabilitation and recovery of the public health infrastructure affected by the devastating ...
Tegucigalpa, February 21 st , 2023 - With the objective of improving the coverage, access and quality of health care for the population of the surrounding municipalities and the department of Choluteca, Honduras , the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) announced the start of the "Studies for the design, construction, equipment and start-up of the regional hospital in ...
Tegucigalpa, September 19 th , 20223 - The official delivery of a batch of 34 pieces of medical equipment to the Gabriela Alvarado Hospital in the city of Danlí was completed. This will strengthen the neonatal intensive care and labor and delivery areas, benefiting more than 200,000 people in the department of El Paraíso and some municipalities of Olancho. This hospital center, which provides ...
Tegucigalpa, August 24, 2021.- This Tuesday, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) made the second disbursement of US$5.8 million of the loan signed with the Republic of Honduras to support the implementation of the National Plan for the Introduction of the COVID-19 Vaccine, with which the purchase of 4.4 million doses is foreseen for the immunization of 2.2 million Hondurans. ...
Tegucigalpa, March 6th., 2023. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) plans to improve patient transportation and specialized emergency care, as well as contribute to strengthening the country's public health system, with financing for the purchase of 32 fully-equipped ambulances for the work carried out in 16 of the country's departments. In coordination with the Ministry of ...
Tegucigalpa, July 14th, 2021 – As a result of the COVID-19 health emergency that Honduras is facing, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), reinforcing the health system's capacity, financed the government's purchase of 22 new ambulances for the benefit of more than 3 million citizens in 12 of the country's departments. The resources used came from the redirection of US$14.9 ...
Tegucigalpa, September 7 th , 2023 - The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) approved financing of up to US$135 million for the for the implementation of the Hospital Network Support Program of the Republic of Honduras (PARH), which includes the design, construction, equipping and start-up of two new hospitals in the municipalities of Choluteca and Tocoa, in the south and ...
Tegucigalpa, September 8 th , 2023 - The official delivery of a batch of 27 pieces of medical equipment to the Santa Teresa General Hospital in Comayagua was completed, with the aim of ensuring quality care for thousands of Hondurans, especially to reduce surgical delays and the neonatal and maternal mortality rate. Santa Teresa General Hospital now has new medical and non-medical equipment to ...
Tegucigalpa, August 10, 2021. – As part of the Non-Reimbursable Financial Cooperation "Equipment of Critical Areas of the Gabriela Alvarado Basic Hospital, located in the city of Danlí and for the Santa Teresa General Hospital, located in the city of Comayagua" for US$1 million, this Tuesday the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) delivered an ambulance to each of these medical ...
Mérida, Yucatan, September 23, 2022.- With the objective of improving coverage and access to health services for the benefit of Hondurans, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and the Government of the Republic of Honduras formalized this Friday a contingent recovery technical cooperation for US$357,500 to carry out the design, construction, equipment and start-up studies for ...